


A 立法委员会 昨天开始胡思乱想 决斗的建议 to replace the state's current three-tier system of measuring economic distress. 立法机关的工作人员 项目评估部(PED) 和 N.C. 商务部 presented legislators with different approaches to revise these measurements. The state currently uses the tier system's rankings when deciding how to fund applications to its CDBG, 工业发展基金, 经济基础设施, 和构建重用程序. Municipalities submit project applications to all of these funding programs.

At times, legislators appeared to mediate between the staff presenting the two competing proposals. 最终, 小组委员会委员, 在此期间,他们都在两个处理经济危机措施问题的立法委员会任职, directed legislative staff to draft a bill that blended features of both PED's 和 Commerce's proposals. In the concept developed by the subcommittee, 该提案将包括一个由商务部领导的州级监督委员会,该委员会将制定政策,将国家资源用于经济发展活动. 它还将采纳商务部的建议,用一个考虑到一个地区的失业率等经济困境原因的指数来取代目前的等级制度, 家庭收入中位数, 平均年薪, 和 population without a high school diploma (read more in 这个演讲).

Due to the high number of outst和ing issues to be resolved, the subcommittee will meet at least one more time to consider this proposal. 经小组委员会批准后, the proposal would then advance to the full PED Committee before ultimately being considered by the legislature's leading economic development committee会议定于3月17日举行. 该委员会批准的任何提案都有资格在4月25日开始的立法短期会议期间提出. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

夏洛特市议会周一投票决定更新该市的反歧视条例, House Speaker Tim Moore announced that his chamber might consider asking Gov. 帕特·麦克罗里要求在4月25日短会期开始之前召开特别立法会议作出回应. In 本周公开声明, both the governor 和 legislators raised objections to one aspect of 城市条例, 这将要求所有为公众服务的企业允许人们根据自己的性别选择洗手间.

更广泛地说, the Charlotte ordinance would prohibit discrimination on the basis of "marital status, 家族的地位, 性取向, 性别认同, or gender expression" in all places of public accommodation, 还有出租车. 其次, 该条例将禁止市政府将合同授予任何在这些方面存在歧视的企业. 重要的是, unlike other similar ordinances across the country, the Charlotte ordinance does not regulate private-sector employment or housing practices. Absent legislative action overturning a portion of the ordinance, the ordinance would take effect April 1.

周一,夏洛特市议会在140名发言人参加的三小时公开听证会后,以7比4的投票结果批准了该条例的修改. 在投票之前, 麦克罗里警告 委员会认为,批准将导致立法机关“立即”采取行动,取消委员会采取行动的法定权力. Other House members weighed in on the vote as well, including 演讲者摩尔, 众议院多数党领袖迈克·黑格说夏洛 代表. 丹主教. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

的成员 众议院临时委员会 考虑到长期交通优先事项,他对该州最新的人口统计数据表示惊讶, 引发了关于该州目前的交通优先事项是否能满足25年后北卡罗来纳州人的需求的讨论. Data presented by the Carolina Population Center that drew the most attention from legislators included:

  • Next year, the number of millennials in North Carolina will outweigh the number of baby boomers
  • Only one percent of the state's expected growth will take place in non-metro areas
  • 该州过去五年的经济增长率甚至比预期的更加集中在城市地区, 尤其是在三角地区
  • The state continues to age at a fast rate, driven by a large influx of retirees; by 2035, more than 20 percent of residents will be over age 65

针对这一信息, 代表. 约翰Fraley questioned how state leaders should balance transportation investments, 他指出,由于工作岗位向少数几个城市中心集中,对该州的高速公路和其他交通网络造成了需求. 他还指出,该州正在经历人口快速下降和人口老龄化的地区需要的投资类型存在紧张关系. 代表. 贝基卡尼 framed the question for the committee as examining the state's transportation needs within job centers, 她说,这可能不同于需要将整个国家作为一个整体来运输货物.

The committee will continue its look at the state's long-term transportation needs March 7, 365足彩下载计划在那里展示未来25年州级交通投资的城市愿景. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

N.C. Department of State Treasurer this week 发布备忘录 detailing the impact of the Iran Divestment Act on local governments. 那个行为,变成了 会期法2015-118 last year, impacts both the state 和 local government contracting processes. 对地方政府来说, 任何投标或签订合同的人都必须证明他们不在国家对伊朗的最终撤资名单上(该名单可在 www.nctreasurer.com/iran), 禁止地方政府与最终撤资清单上的任何实体签订合同(有限例外)。. 更多的信息可以在这里找到 司库办公室备忘录. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

一周前,议员们批准了新的国会选区,并将初选日期推迟到6月7日, it remains uncertain whether the changes will hold. 本周, 一名联邦法官要求对这些地区提出质疑的原告在周一之前提出对新计划的反对意见. 这些原告立即对新计划作出回应,在上周一提交了一份法庭简报,陈述了初步反对意见. 美国.S. Supreme Court also declined to stop the lower court action that led to the new lines. 与此同时, 初始媒体分析 of the new districts suggests that some of them will be more competitive.

在上周的立法特别会议上颁布的部分改革将影响到今年北卡罗来纳州举行的所有选举:将不进行初选. Instead of a 40-percent requirement to advance to the general election, a plurality of the vote will determine winners this year. Read more about the machinations around the congressional districts 在这里在这里

根据大会通过的新的国会选区计划,至少有两名北卡罗来纳州议员正在考虑竞选国会议员. 森. 来自Mocksville的Andrew Brock has announced his c和idacy for the 代表ublican nomination in the new 13th District. 代表. 格林斯博罗的Jon Hardister 他还表示,他“强烈倾向于”竞选这个席位,如果他决定竞选,他将在共和党初选中面对布洛克.

Those plans are contingent on whether the new districts withst和 court scrutiny. 那些成功挑战国会早先设定的界线的选民已经对新计划提出了初步反对意见, with more formal objections expected to go to a federal judge on Monday. Read more about the statements by Brock 和 Hardister 在这里在这里.

代表. 格林斯博罗的拉尔夫·约翰逊 本周轻度中风. A statement from his election campaign said that he remains alert, conscious 和 "eager to get back to work for the people of the 58th District." The League wishes 代表resentative Johnson a speedy recovery.

奥巴马政府正在制定一项新政策,该政策将压制一些所谓的庇护城市政策,这些政策不鼓励地方与联邦移民驱逐合作. The move comes less than a year after 北卡罗来纳州立法者 approved 立法阻止这里的城市通过为无证移民提供有限安全港的法令 和 restrict local law enforcement officers from enforcing federal immigration law.

在新的联邦政策下, 当联邦移民当局寻求驱逐出境时,联邦监狱局将默认将完成州或地方刑期的囚犯置于移民拘留所, even if local or state officials want the immigrant to finish a state or local sentence. The policy puts additional restraints on local or state governments that adopt sanctuary policies. 在北卡罗来纳州, 少数采取庇护政策的城市主要侧重于避免对犯罪受害者或证人进行移民身份检查,以鼓励在打击犯罪方面的合作. 阅读更多关于新的联邦政策 在这里.  

美国联邦航空管理局似乎又向批准非商业和商业用途的无人机飞行迈进了一步. 本周, 美国联邦航空局要求一个由公共和私营部门利益相关者组成的工作组在4月1日之前提交一份报告,就如何安全允许全面飞行操作提出建议. The action follows the creation of a federal registration program for owners. 北卡罗来纳州立法者, 在过去的两年里, have approved laws governing the unmanned aircraft 预计FAA会采取行动. 阅读更多关于最新的州法律 在这里 和 find out more about the FAA action 在这里.