


发生了什么:365足彩下载和N.C. 县专员协会 facilitated calls between local leaders and state health officials on measures to take as the pandemic persists. The governor separately announced the state will “remain paused” in Phase 3 of the state’s reopening.

单词的意思是:不 指标 在州长办公室的幻灯片中有详细说明吗, 特别是过去14天的数据. 在和当地领导通完电话之后, the state issued a letter to the 36 counties with the most concerning figures. They’ve been identified by the White House Task Force as a “county of concern.” The letter goes over ways to stem the spread through policy and individual behavior.

随时待命:团员—— 提交你的书面想法 为2021-22年立法政策目标规划进程. This is the opportunity to make your community’s voice heard as cities and towns work with the General Assembly for important outcomes.

瘦子:这里的共同主题是意识和行动. Keep up on the numbers and trends inside and out of your community and participate in the process of improvement. 我们感谢您继续发挥领导作用.

​The League’s live planning sessions have ended 为2021-22年立法政策目标规划进程, 但现在参与这一关键进程还为时不晚. We need your participation to make sure cities' and towns' voices are heard and the issues that matter to you are included in our legislative goals package.

Cities and towns should submit their goal suggestions in writing 通过我们的在线表格 到11月. 5.

State health leaders, on calls arranged by the League and the N.C. 县专员协会, recently discussed with local officials in the most hard-hit counties the most powerful ways to counter the pandemic – including policies to consider implementing locally – as recent trendlines and hospitalizations continue to worry experts. “The incredible work of our local partners has allowed North Carolina to avoid the first and second waves of rapid spikes in 新型冠状病毒肺炎 positives that devastated so many other states,” N.C. 卫生与公众服务部部长. 曼迪科恩 (pictured) wrote in a letter to city and county officials following the calls. “To protect our communities, we must continue working together in this fight against 新型冠状病毒肺炎.” Cohen specifically sent that letter to leaders in the 36 counties in the state that have the most concerning 指标. “You are in a county that has had 300 or more new cases in the last 14 days and has been identified by the White House Task Force as a county of concern; your case rate is greater than 50 cases per 10,000 people; or your county is one of the top three most populous counties in the state.” N.C. Department of Public Safety Secretary Erik Hooks also signed the letter.

Examples of local actions to slow the spread are laid out in the letter, 你可以在这里完整地复习一下. They include ordinance measures; the letter notes the relevant state statutes for them. 更广泛地说, Cohen emphasized the array of awareness materials available from the state in English and Spanish online at http://covid19.ncdhhs.gov / materials-resources. “We hope you will consider doing or continuing what has taken place already across the state: creating local signs, 旗帜, and banners to promote compliance; promoting the Three W’s when speaking to the press and community groups; partnering with local media on radio and television spots; and promoting similar messaging on social media and web-pages,科恩说.

New from the state is the availability of county-level data on its 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Dashboard, online at http://covid19.ncdhhs.gov /仪表盘. See the County Map by Cases section of the Summary dashboard page. 它包括总病例数, 前一天的病例数, 过去七天的病例数, 以及过去14天的病例数.

政府. Roy Cooper this week announced North Carolina will “remain paused” in Phase 3 of the state’s reopening under caution with 新型冠状病毒肺炎. “North Carolina has seen increased hospitalizations and trajectory of cases in recent weeks. 库珀州长强调了戴口罩的重要性, 社会距离, and using good judgment despite fatigue or frustration with the pandemic,” a 新闻稿 州长办公室的人说. “We are doing everything we can to slow the spread of this virus. 这个简单的事实是,我们无法靠自己做到这一点. Ignoring the virus doesn’t make it go away – just the opposite,” said N.C. 卫生和人力资源部部长. 曼迪科恩. “尽管这很艰难,但它会结束的. 我们会熬过去的. 让我们互相照顾. 不管你的理由是什么,躲到面具后面去.” 幻灯片 from the governor’s briefing detail the trends that led to the Phase 3 extension. 一份长达5页的 行政命令 进一步解释了.

​Federal officials are saying the state-by-state counts from the 2020 Census might not be ready by the statutory year-end deadline as they seek opportunities for flexibility and troubleshooting. 50号公路报告 that factors including the pandemic caused various delays and changes in operations for the Census Bureau, leading observers including the Government Accountability Office to signal the possibility of an incomplete, 不准确的数. “It is our plan right now that if we need more time to fix a problem that comes up that would impact the quality of the census, 我们要拿走它,“阿尔·方特诺特, 人口普查局十年一次的人口普查项目副主任, 这周说的.

据方特诺特说, staffers are working hard with faster computers and round-the-clock processing, 但没有任何保证. He also indicated it’s uncertain whether they can produce final redistricting data by the March 31, 2021年的最后期限, 50号公路报告.

人口普查局新闻编辑室本周报道 所有州的回复率都超过99%, and that the overall self-response rate (67 percent) was better than that of the 2010 operation (66.5%). 2020年人口普查数据收集工作于10月6日结束. 15. The bureau says paper responses are still coming in and will be processed if postmarked by Oct. 并于10月15日前收到. 22.